Finals Week

If you're curious as to how finals season went for me, read further!
Since I was taking IEE courses made for exchange students, my overall workload was not entirely heavy. My experience is different from my peers since we took different courses, but here is an overview of my classes during finals :)
Business and Society (IEE3325)
We had one exam during midterms and a final group project on a case. Our group presented towards the end of November and we had more than a month to work on this project. Since we presented on the first week of presentations, our work for the class was done for the entire semester. The other assignment was giving reviews of other group presentations. While KakaoTalk was widely used for class group chats, Instagram was mainly used for all of my project group chats.
Korea-US Relations (IEE3326)
There was a final exam with a 48-hour window. This class was entirely online, so the exam was on a Word Doc. This was entirely open notes since the questions were written responses and required our knowledge of various topics. Students also had to write a 6-8 page paper (double-spaced) on any topic of their choosing as long as it relates to Korea-US relations. I wrote mine on technology/artificial intelligence in Korea vs. United States.
International Business Communication (IEE3328)
This class only had two assignments throughout the semester. This was a one-page (single-spaced) essay on a particular lecture discussed in class. The second essay required students to analyze a company of their choosing for a minimum of four pages (double-spaced). These essays were due towards the mid to end of the semester, but I worked on them throughout October and November.
Entrepreneurship in East Asia (IEE3370)
I also did not have any midterms or homework for this class, but we had one short final and a group presentation. Our group project was on a business proposal for a made-up company. Our final was fairly straightforward (with 4-5 written-response questions), but the professor gave us the prompts ahead of time.